lyrics music story stars

Hogsnard Lefumier

Hogsnard is the natural born leader
foretold by the astrologers
who will release the earth from the Evil Geezers viscious grip.
His childhood controlled by the Geezer to make him as dependent as possible
Hoggy becomes a rockandroll superstar pawn of the Geezer.
Juicy Mama gets in touch with Hogsnard and lets him in on a few things,
and his best friend Lickety Splitz has a story to tell as well.

On stage Snard is played by Blake
who sings and plays guitar.

what is a slaphog anyways?
in the beginning . . the evil geezer
science as the slave
a snard is born
automatic insertion into life
the juiciest of mamas
satanburger 50cc
a slight change of plans
send in the clones
juicy mama to the rescue
lyrics music story stars