Posts Tagged ‘ maisy

The Further Adventures of Finnegan Wilde

Wandering the meandering pathways through the dark jungles of the wild I stumbled upon a creature both curious and magnificent. It was shaped as a fur-covered log, but with four appendages protruding upwards as if grasping for the sky. The creature had no true face, as far as could be seen, but appeared to be a vast mound of white fluff framed by the four arms, if I may call them such, also adorned by additional luxuriant growths of hair. This broad expanse of fur seemed to call to me with each sudden flailing from one side to the other: “Sink your hands in my furry belly and give it a good pat”.

Fur covered beast

Fur covered beast

It was then that I saw the head and recognition swept over me. This mysterious beast, this flailing mound of fur, was none other than Miss Maisy Day, the One True Dog. She is often spoken about only in whispers, the stuff of myth and legend – and here she was before me!

It was then that I spied the giant squirrel.

As oft happens on my adventures one chance encounter with extraordinary circumstances follows fast on the heels of another. And here I found myself suddenly confronted with a squirrel of such enormous proportions I can only ascribe to it the sobriquet of “Ginormous”.

Fie! Squirrel!

Fie! Squirrel!

The giant squirrel and I did battle for many days and many nights. The jungle echoed with the sounds of our war cries and the clash of weapons. When the dust had settled a lone figure could be seen in the midst of a great smoldering crater – a small gentleman of generous proportions, regal yet elegant, with gentle mien faintly reminiscent of Baudelaire.

Finnegan Wilde triumphant!

Must Love Dogs

I have a confession to make: I am in love!

She that makes my heart go “pit a pat” is none other than the fluffy ragamuffin of my dreams: Maisy.

I sometimes gaze longingly at her, wishing I could run my fingers through her plentiful locks of shiny fur. So fluffy, so bouncy, so luxuriant!

Gaze into my eyes, my beloved

Gaze into my eyes, my beloved

Sometimes I think that she feels the same as I. Dare I hope it? When I sit alone she will often come to comfort me, waving a paw of invitation, inviting me to play. It is these times that my heart leaps with joy, as I know that she and I share that which is true: love.

To touch the dream

To touch the dream

But now it is time to put away childish things, and to rest for a while. Perchance to dream . . . of that bouncing ball of fluff that is my true love, my Maisy.

A hearty laugh makes the well-rounded gentleman

A gentleman should endeavor to cultivate a warm, hearty, and fulsome laugh that is pleasing to the ear, welcoming to the eye, and inviting to the onlooker giving them the irresistible desire to join in the merriment. A winning laugh should be both manly and childlike, filled with youthful abandon and yet fully under the control of its master. In many situations a good hearty laugh can do the work of a thousand witty and politic words, paving the way for friendships, alliances, and even matrimonial bonds. In short, it is a gentleman’s duty to bring forth this healthy outbursting of mirth as it is the duty of a fountain to bring forth the bubbling waters of the spring.

For your edification I have produced here a sampling of my own deep, hearty, and fully manful laugh. Listen and learn.

In order to develop this well formed laughter I employ the device of an amusing animal, in this case Maisy my dog, who does great frolic with an empty paper bag. What dolorous soul could not be soon amused by her frisky antics? And also, who is it who can resist the infection of my well-practiced laugh and thus begin the inescapable paroxysms of the hearty guffaw. I dare say that the answer is “none”.

A Boy and His Dog

There is a wondrous creature I must needs tell you of, for she is full of fun and playful romps, covered in a luxuriant coat of the fluffiest fur, and waits patiently for me to join her in frolic. But alas! I am still but an infant, as yet unable to toddle forth and throw a ball or a frisbee or a stick. This sorry impasse is cause for much consternation on both of our parts.

Mutual longing

Mutual longing

Maisy will bring me her favorite toy, in this case her Kong, and set it at my feet. I am fully aware of what is expected of me, but I simply cannot arrange my limbs in such a way as to comply with her wishes. We spend many hours each day looking at each other longingly, knowing in our hearts that someday we will gambol about with wild abandon – lamps, tables, and chairs be forewarned!

Someday your Prince will come

Someday your Prince will come

Eventually we tire of staring into one another’s eyes and Maisy comes to give me a sniff and a comforting snorfle, and then we must go our separate ways. Such are the travails of a baby’s life, not so dissimilar to those of a dog’s.

River Beach Visit

It does a body good to take of the fresh air on occasion. On a recent Saturday I suggested to my fellows that fresh air was in order, to which they replied that mine was a capital idea. With a brief frenzy of preparation and packing, our vehicle was readied for what turned out to be a most refreshing excursion into the local wilds.

Baby on the beach

Baby on the beach

We flew through what I assume are the giant tubes of the universe to a windswept vista of water and sand. What lay before me was called a “river”, which, if I have this right, is like a really long bathtub with the faucet always running. This seemed like a wonderful idea to me, but this visit was not to be a bath time, much to my lasting disappointment.

Mother Dear

Mother Dear

This river of the Cowlitz was populated by funny little people in noisy little boats scurrying about. The four-legged creature who is always sniffing me, Maisy I think her name is, was also there, and seemed to enjoy herself immensely as she ran back and forth barking at the little boats.

Father and Maisy

Father and Maisy

After a short circumambulation about the grassy areas of the park, past the boat launch and the playground filled with screaming children, we returned to our vehicle. Once home again it was time for a light meal of milk and a nap. It was agreed by all that such outings are to be a regular fixture of our routine in future. Capital idea indeed!