Posts Tagged ‘ doctor

The Doctor is in.

The patient presents with acute cuteness and precocious adorableness. The specimen appears to be a healthy young male, human as far as can be told, and very much in the prime of life.

By God, Man! Is he not huggable!?

The Doctor will see you now.

The Doctor will see you now.


9 months old.

2′ 5.5″ (86%)

23 lb 5 oz (87%)

17.99 ” Head Circumference (62%)

(10^100)^(10^100) On the Finnegan Scale of Awesome (One Googleplex, as high as the scale currently measures).

Zoot Alores!

Zoot Alores!

Dear Lord! I may have to dramatically tear these fake glasses from my head for emphasis!

Giant Baby Update

Stats for 6 month doctor visit:

Height: 27.5″ (2′ 3.5″) 84%

Weight: 21 lbs 4 oz 95%

Head: 17.52″ 70%

I am no longer above the 99%, except in the realm of cuteness.

Baby in a blanket

Baby in a blanket

Two months old and I have seen it all.

Well I think I have certainly seen it all at this point. How much more could there be? I have seen a dog, two cats, mom & dad, a number of people who are not mom or dad (very confusing!), and the fantastic talking box of colors and lights that mom and dad keep turning off when I start to stare at it. That seems like plenty.

I think I must have experienced everything by now, getting a cold, sneezing, getting a shot, being born, being too cold or too warm, having a bath, having a diaper changed, crying, laughing, sleeping .. . Could there be anything else?

And then there is visiting the doctor, which I did yesterday. Here are the results:

14 pounds, 8 ounces
24 inches (2 ft exactly!)
15.5 inch head

Which puts me above the 95th percentile for weight by age. But did they have to poke me with a needle? I fail to see how that was necessary.

So there it is, two months old and I have seen it all. Could this be that 100 years that Grandma Pat was talking about?

Whoa – hold on a minute. . . I see something shiny and kind of wobbly! OK, I guess there might be more to see and experience out there after all. I’m going to flail my arms about and see if I can figure out what this new shiny thing is.

Little Big Man

It is good news all around after my first appointment with my own personal physician. According to modern medical science, I am a strapping young lad of 10 pounds and six ounce, and have reached the height of 23 inches. That means I have grown 11 ounces in weight and 2 inches in height since my birth, little more than two weeks previous. This certainly explains my constant desire to seek nourishment. Hats of to my patient mother for helping me in this endeavour.

Gnomes haunt my dreams

Gnomes haunt my dreams

In other news: I entertained my Aunt Louella this last weekend, and it was a smashing success. If I do say so myself, I was much the most gracious host. Being the gentleman that I am I sat with my Aunt and held forth on many of the most important issues of the day. Uncle Johnny sat and admired my command of the relevant facts, and all were impressed with my erudite and eloquent expositions.