Posts Tagged ‘ visitors

Fellow Babies of the World: Unite!

I have had the most remarkable experience this Friday past, my first face-to-face meeting with a person nearer to my own stature than the giant headed people I have seen heretofore.  Mother’s friend Katy came to visit and brought along her adorable daughter Beatrix, who is most definitely closer to the ground, and therefore closer to my heart!

Beatrix imparts forbidden knowledge

Beatrix imparts forbidden knowledge

Although I am told the proper term for Beatrix is “Toddler” and not “Baby”, I cannot help but see much of myself in her spritely mien and playful demeanor. She entertained us all with her various tricks, such as walking and talking and picking things up and setting things down. These were all most fascinating to me, as my new best friend Bee (she lets me call her that, and I let her call me “Finn”, or just “Baby!”) has assured me that, with much practice, I shall be able to perform similar feats in the very near future. Oh joy of joys, can this be?

Since her visit I have been working on my exercises most assiduously, with many leg stomps, hand grasps, and loud vocalizations of vowels and consonants. These are the secret rituals that Beatrix passed on to me, as all Toddlers have done to Babies from time immemorial. She made me promise that when I have gained the powers of Toddlerhood I shall choose a disciple of my own to inculcate with these ancient rites that the chain may be unbroken yet.

Papa Henry and Nana Pam

I received a most enjoyable visit from my maternal granparents this Thursday, a visit for which I had made exceedingly careful preparations. At my behest, Father and Mother indulged me by launching into a veritable frenzy of house-cleaning. I simply felt that when entertaining it is of paramount concern that one present a clean and tidy appearance, both of house and of person.

As to the second point, i.e. my person, I insisted on a thorough washing of my entire body. This, of course, required the assistance of Mother, as I have yet to convert the unlimited depths of energy contained in my flailing of arms and stomping of legs into any semblance of useful motor skills, such that I might wash myself without the aid of others.

Father was tasked with the assiduous cleansing of surfaces permeating our abode, as regards floors, counters, and walkways. Rugs were also left within his purview, and he dealt with them accordingly, which is to say with much shaking and pounding out of doors. Father acquitted himself with great aplomb, leaving the household free of the detritus of our animal companions that often plagues our living spaces and collects in the interstices of our lives. “Bunnies of the dust” I believe you call them.

And then the visitors arrived. How we laughed and gambolled about, lost in the joys of common pleasures, talking of times and places past and future. My maternal granparents are a most frolicsome pair, and I found myself most entertained by their frequent drolleries. Papa Henry was most jocular, as is demonstrated in the daguerreotype below.

Papa Henry and I

Papa Henry and I

After so much give and take, jib and jibe, we settled into a warmly familliar calm that included a most satisfying meal provided by Nana Pam by way of a bottle.

Nana Pam and I

Nana Pam and I

Such were the idylls of our buccholic autumn repast. Much was achieved, much was accomplished, all were satisfied.

Little Big Man

It is good news all around after my first appointment with my own personal physician. According to modern medical science, I am a strapping young lad of 10 pounds and six ounce, and have reached the height of 23 inches. That means I have grown 11 ounces in weight and 2 inches in height since my birth, little more than two weeks previous. This certainly explains my constant desire to seek nourishment. Hats of to my patient mother for helping me in this endeavour.

Gnomes haunt my dreams

Gnomes haunt my dreams

In other news: I entertained my Aunt Louella this last weekend, and it was a smashing success. If I do say so myself, I was much the most gracious host. Being the gentleman that I am I sat with my Aunt and held forth on many of the most important issues of the day. Uncle Johnny sat and admired my command of the relevant facts, and all were impressed with my erudite and eloquent expositions.

Entertaining visiters on my week-birthday

Today I achieved a milestone: 7 days in the open air. At 2:57pm I was greeted with a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday” sung with great feeling by my beloved parents.

Today was also my first attempt at receiving visitors in my new home. My mother’s parents, to be known as “Nana” and “Papa” henceforth, arrived in the early afternoon bringing gifts of food and much appreciated attention.

Although preparations for the visit were extensive, I managed to keep my composure during the entire time. I credit this to my steady diet of mother’s milk, a most excellent source of nourishment, and one I can highly recommend.