Posts Tagged ‘ sleep

Quiet Contemplation

Mother says: One day I went for a walk in the woods and found a wee elf baby sleeping under a toadstool. I picked him up and took him for a ride. He loved staring into the trees.



She then said: Then the wee elf baby, utterly spent from our grand adventure, fell asleep in my arms. So I took him home and kept him!

Quiet Contemplation

Quiet Contemplation

I do so love Mother’s stories.

One’s Father makes for an excellent bed

In my recent explorations of this new world I have come across one most excellent feature: father. It seems that, in addition to a mother, I also have what is known as a “father”. At first this posed quite a riddle for me, as this “father” person is not a provider of milk which immediately posed the question of: “what good is he?”.

Well now I know. My father is there for changing my diaper, picking me up when I cry out, singing songs to me when I am lonely, and giving me a safe and warm place to make my repose.