Posts Tagged ‘ library

My new job at the library

As I approach the ripe old age of 9 months I have come to the realization that I must soon find my way in the world. A choice of occupation was soon my preoccupation, and a quick trip to the library was in order.

As I perused the aisles of books trying to ascertain what line of work best suited my talents I realized that the answer lay not in the contents of the books on the shelves but in the books themselves. BOOKS!

I have found my calling!

I have found my calling!

But then I found a delicious lens cap and soon discovered the world of professional photography.

A career in photography beckons

A career in photography beckons

So many choices! I am afraid I must needs remain unemployed and at my leisure for a little while longer as I take stock of these weighty matters. I cannot dither too much longer as adulthood is surely just around the corner.